Wednesday, July 21, 2010

wednesday july 21, 2010

summers gone by....(and the summer IS going by....)

Memories of summers past...we all have them. My dad's parents used to have a boat that they lived on at the paradise yacht club in brooklyn. once or twice a summer we would spend the day on the boat...i think i might have even slept over a few times...i remember the cute italians who worked there and always being afraid of the diving sister getting bit by the bait we used to go fishing and the first time z100 premiered on the radio-think it was the summer of 82....

camp ramah in nyack..oy vey...i dreaded the zimriah, which was a camp wide singing event, because i never quite fit into the t shirt that we had to wear...(guess i still have that problem...)

and then there was the first time my parents sent me to sleepaway camp. the summer after i graduated elementary school. back in the 80's, it was not the best idea to send your newly teen-aged daughter to camp for the first time, for the second month. Girls are mean (still are) and they were horrendous that summer, to me. ari enjoys telling the boys that the only girl who was nice to me used to run around camp with a butterfly net, but i have no recollection of that. (though i do remember the girl who was nice to me...the one who accused me of stealing, well, lets just say i didn't feel badly when i heard she got i said, girls are mean....)

fast forward to this summer....first month, gets an A+...i did almost everything on my list(dont come over if you have asthma, haven't gotten to dusting yet....) as for the second month....cant wait to spend it with the the batting practice....rain in laws's all good.....

happy wednesday

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