Thursday, June 10, 2010

thursday june10, 2010

why we need licenses to parent...

poor son #2. he must have allergies...he comes home from camp every summer with his big blue eyes practically sealed shut (thank god for cousins who are opthamologists and steriod drops...) and apparently, this has been a very bad allergy season because his eyes have been red and he has been complaining that they hurt. Now, since I don't have allergies, but do have narcissistic personality disorder, i couldn't relate to what son #2 was feeling, but, I was a good mom and I took him to the dr who prescribed him drops for his eyes, which were bothering him BECAUSE of allergies (not anything goopy or conjunctivitisy...he can go to school and isn't contagious for any parents reading this....) unfortunately, i took him to the dr almost 2 months ago and still hadn't filled the prescription. the poor kid's eyeballs are practically coming out of his head, and i haven't had time to go to the pharmacy. he keeps complaining, and i haven't had time to go to the pharmacy. his brothers insist that he is the favorite, yet, i still haven't had time to go to the pharmacy......but, today, i his drops, got tootsie rolls on sale(shouldn't be a total loss) and now i just have to remember to give him the drops. seriously, how is there no restriction on who should become a parent?

for son #1's bar mitzva, we had a plan for at least a year in advance....well, son #2 is only 15 months younger than son#1. son #2's bar mitzva is in less than 7 months...and guess plan! no idea! no clue! oy vey! But, we have a plan for son #3's bar mitzva already....and yet, son #2's brothers still think he is the favorite....i am often curious to find out what had led them to this conclusion....but, not curious enough, because it isn't about me....(though i happen to think they use it as an excuse to continually gang up on him and torture him....though lately, the torture has been pretty evenly dispersed between the 3 of them...and me...and ari....)

As a side note, last night, son #1 tried on his cap and gown for me...did i get emotional because it was the closest thing i will ever have to a child of mine wearing a dress? (not that there would be anything wrong with that....)

here's to hoping the drops work and that all of the allery sufferers out there have speedy recoveries....

happy thursday

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