Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday march 9,2011

Crisis at THE GYM

So while spinning this morning...the power went out at THE GYM. Apparently, one of the unfriendly receptionists got hungry and mistakenly took an electrical wire for a piece of licorice and bit right through...ok, that's not really what happened (I don't think..but you can never be sure..) but as I walked through the gym and watched the people manually controlling the treadmills, ellipticals and stair masters (I, of course, got there earlier so I had done the treadmill already-power to the pudgies!!) I began to think of a brilliant idea...

Perhaps lulu lemon should sew generators into their clothing so if this happens again, the skinny minis can just plug the machines right into their clothing...brilliant!! Hey lulu, if you are reading this, have your people call my people..

Happy Wednesday...and I hope the power came back on, otherwise, there will be a lot of even crankier skinny people in Bergen county today!!

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