Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday march 4,2011

Week in review..the good, the sad and the ugly....

As I sit here listening to the sound of a lawn mower coming from outside my window, instead of thinking of spring, I am thinking, crap, I fired my last landscaper, number 9, as we called him and now, it's almost spring, and I have to find another one.....wonderful.

But in all seriousness, another tragedy has befallen my community. Amongst all of the sickness, a young man has passed away. The details, I do not know, but whenever something like this happens, it makes one reflect on their behavior, their treatment of others....being a better person. Perhaps I should not have screamed at son #1 this week when he came downstairs in his school shirt and boxer shorts, holding his laundry hamper which, not surprisingly, weighs more than he does and said " mom, I have no pants..." thus began the rant that demonstrated my unfortunate similarities to Charlie sheen (does that mean husband #1 is my goddess??)

We all know that life is fragile and way too short, but we often forget and let the stupidity overtake us. As this week comes to a close, let us take a few moments to reflect on all of the good..our friends(the ones we really like, not the ones we pretend to like), our family(ditto from last remark), and all of the wonderful things that have been bestowed on us....whether it be the ability to pay for sleep away camp, the joy of fitting into lulu lemon, or the true blessing of being able to wake up in the morning....embrace all that is wonderful.

Happy Friday

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