Sunday, March 30, 2014

I am dead either way

I have blogged and written about this topic before.  Studies. On the news this morning, husband #1 turned the volume up because he saw the word DIET in the promo (I guess he was hinting at something) and the reporters were saying that a study was done on people who drink two or more diet drinks a day, and research found that those people die earlier from heart disease. In the same breath, the two skinny reporters started saying that a study was done on married vs single women and the married women had less of a chance of dying from heart disease. Husband #1 and I looked at each other and at the same time said "I guess those studies cancel each other out."  So the single women who drink diet soda have a better chance of dying from heart disease, but the fat, unhappy married women who drink diet soda might live longer because they are married?

what about the women who drink two or more cocktails a day? Or the women who take two or more zanax a day? or the women who only eat two bites of food a day?

So many studies, so little time...

Happy Sunday!

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