Tuesday, May 11, 2010

tuesday may 11, 2010

please don't embarrass us....again....

my kids know me pretty well. they know that if we go to a store and i am not happy with how i am being treated, volcano banji might just erupt. they have been know to cower in a corner for fear of what i might do to the salesperson or manager. and though i say to them "do as i say, not as i do" i fear for what effect this will have on them in the future. this being said, they wanted me to blog about our outing to the at&t store.....

many months ago, i let you all know that my parents had been paying my cell phone bill since college, but that they were finally cutting me off 18 years later and that it was ari's turn to take care of me....(or at least to take care of my cell phone bill...) anyway, ari promised son #2 that he could get a cell phone when ari's contract was up in april (along with son #1's contract) and then all four of us would have a family plan and be one happy family....

so here we are, in may, a month after ari's contract is up and two months into ari paying my cell phone bill (which, because of the blackout, was 4 times the amount of my contract...hey, they have to make money somehow, why not charge 45 cents a minute...) and we are still not one big (well, some of us are big) happy family with 4 matching phones and a lovely family plan. So i was sent on a mission to go to the at&t store and find out about their family plans.....(i will make this as brief as possible...)

I enter the store with my two skullcap clad sons....i tell the "greeter" that we want a family plan. the "greeter" introduces me to a "salesman" or "salesmoron" as we now like to call him. i tell him we have a contract for two phones, he needs to look up the account. i give him photo id, he tells me that i am not ari ganchrow, i tell him that i know this, my kids start backing up...slowly, he askes me if ari ganchrow is in the mall, i tell him that i am his wife, my kids continue backing up, he tells me that he can't give me any information without ari ganchrow's consent, i tell him that ari ganchrow never has consent and that i am his wife, he tells me i should call ari ganchrow, my kids are now huddled by the door, i ask why he can't tell me about a family plan, he tells me that ari ganchrow's account is like a bank account and he can't give me any information, i ask him if he thinks i am ari ganchrows fake wife with two fake kids that i just happened to find at the mall, my kids are starting to shake, i tell the man that he has been of no help and we are off to verizon....the "greeter" wishes me a nice day...i tell her what she can do with her nice day...my kids are on the phone with their therapist....

we still don't have a family plan. but my kids did congratulate me on not cursing and not yelling...and then they took me for ice cream as a reward...

happy tuesday

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