Tuesday, December 18, 2012

good days and bad days...

During a typical day, we have many emotions. Happy, sad, angry, frustrated, scared..these past few days have been a culmination of all of those.  My community has lost two precious young people, Sandy Hook elementary has lost twenty precious souls..grief is not meant to be measured. We all respond differently and in the end, tears are tears. We will never know why bad things happen to good people...we just need to take a deep breath and have faith. Be grateful for the good and not dwell on questions that we cannot answer. Easier said then done.

I must maintain that laughter is the best medicine(well, narcotics are probably the best medicine, and now that medical marijuana is legal, perhaps THAT is the best medicine..but that's for another time.)  Husband #1 and I went on a mini-vaca to the windy city this past weekend. It was a much needed reprieve.  He even sprung for the 25 dollars it cost to bring a suitcase. Which he needed. For his suit.  To wear once.  In case the sabbath police came and arrested him for only wearing pants and a shirt to synagogue. I was perfectly fine with my carry on that i had purchased for my trip to Vegas..but i digress. Ladies, what do men pack on a trip?  socks, underwear, a shirt, a pair of pants. Men are easy. (though, i did become friends and relatives with a man who wears very lovely socks, so lovely, in fact, that I am thinking of sprucing up husband #1's wardrobe with some..) 15 minutes before candle lighting, I hear screaming in the basement...worried that something mightve happened to husband #1, i rush down the stairs(I really did rush).  Looking at me, with sheer terror, he says "I forgot to pack my underwear."  Really? you forgot underwear?  I did laundry 3 days early so you would have enough underwear and wouldn't have to go into your reserves(yes, he has reserves)(I'm fully aware that I don't work and laundry is what primarily occupies my time, but I never do our laundry that early in the week.) Poor guy. No underwear. What's a kind, compassionate, loving wife to do?  Laugh. At him. Laugh a lot. And then go to walgreens to buy him some underwear-so not in the budget after springing for the suitcase. But even though we were staying with people that we love and feel totally comfortable with..you just can't borrow someone else's underwear. I had to tell the lady in walgreens the story...so then we laughed again. Sorry husband #1, it's been a tough week. But thanks for taking me to Chicago...

Happy Tuesday

1 comment:

  1. When we went to Puerto Rico for a mini-vacation, I let Mark pack for himself for the 1st time ever. Sure enough, no shirts. Not one, except for the sweatshirt he wore on the plane. Sigh.
