Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7,2011

With permission from hadassah Leah bat shoshana.....

There are so many things to be grateful for. The beautiful fall foliage that didn't fall on your home, car or person during last weeks storm. The gift of children or chocolate(not necessarily in that order-but if you ever get yourselves to max brenners, you must try the hazelnut cream covered in white chocolate and rolled in pistachios, because they are better than sex....oh, hope no one under 21 is reading this....) grateful for healthy parents(so you don't have to forcibly put them in a nursing home, unless of course, they deserve it...) grateful for friends who listen when you speak(or do a great job pretending to) and make you feel that you are as important as you think you are(or doing a great job pretending to)....We, and when I say we, I will just mean me, find it so easy to just take it all for granted.

And then something unbelievable crappy happens to a person you really like, who smiles all the time. And you go visit this person, who is still smiling and you still can't figure out why something so unbelievably crappy could happen to her. My expression of the day was "morbidly enjoyable." because today, my friend and I went to visit our smiling friend and spent the day laughing. (we also found out that vabene does not deliver to the hospital....soo not cool!!! But banji gump went and got it in record time...after all, there was food involved, a motivator to waddle faster through the streets of new York) We also had the pleasure of force feeding a really skinny doctor some really fattening food-which was so enjoyable to watch....We (and again, I mean me) decided that instead of forty people baking challah for our friend, we should get forty really skinny people from THE GYM to eat a whole challah....with a blessing...why not try something new.

Our friend has been overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit and time and cake that people have showed her...but that is how it should be. I mean, it would be ideal if no one ever got sick so no one would have to be kind and generous...(but hopefully still bake people cake) but until
that happens, she is so grateful for the outpouring of love and kindness. And if we could just be that way to each other all the time, for no reason at all, well, not only would it be a miracle, but it would make life so much more pleasant.

I am grateful for my smiling friend. I will be even more grateful when my friend is healthy and back home where she belongs....
Please keep Hadassah Leah bat shoshana in your thoughts and prayers.

Happy monday

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