Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday February 26,2011

What are little boys made of....

Boys can shoot a puck across an entire gym and get it into a goal being guarded by a well padded goalie.
Boys can throw a ball into a basket that is several feet above their heads....

Then why, oh, why, please tell me why they cannot pee into a large open bowl that is just inches away from their wee-wee?!?!(wee-wees being the new technical and medical terms for their ding dongs...)

I am very grateful to the makers of Lysol wipes because I keep them in every bathroom and they are oh so helpful in cleaning up the trails of pee that my boys leave me before they go off to school. Last weekend, however, son #3 had four adorable boys over from the island of long...the morning after they left, I went into the guest bathroom and man-oh-man....the Lysol wipes were not going to cut it...I had to bring in the heavy duty spray and paper towels....apparently, getting them drunk Friday night was not the best idea because there was "residue" on the wall, the floor, the radiator....i took a deep breath, went in, cleaned up and got out....and then washed my hands for several minutes...even though urine is's still gross....(even if it wasn't sterile..yuck yuck yuck)

Next...I handed son #2 a laundry bag and said "could you please put your laundry in this bag and bring it down to the laundry room?" I think maybe he thought I was telling him that he had leprosy or something because the look of horror that came over his face was indescribable..did I just ask him to clean the gutters? Change a faucet? Carry me up the stairs?!?!?! NO-take down your freakin laundry!!!!!!
Then you can clean the gutters, change a faucet and carry me upstairs....oy freakin vey..if they weren't so cute, I'd send them all back....

Did you here-carmello Anthony is on the knicks now- almost like someone discovered a cure for cancer, but not quite....

Happy Saturday...

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