Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday December 30,2010

New years resolution gone horribly astray.....

A year ago I began this blog and when I went back to see what new years nonsensical wisdom I had to share, I discovered that I didn't share any at surprising considering how freely I share other pearls of here is a new years blog...

Resolutions are stupid. In theory.,.they are great..I resolve to lose weight..I resolve to be a better person...I resolve to be a better spouse...a better mom...a better friend....a better daughter-wait, if I need to make all of these resolutions, I must totally suck as a human being and need to change every aspect of my personality. Now I know that some or most or all of you reading this agree with that last statement.....but I resolve to make more realistic resolutions...

I resolve to wait at least 3 minutes before calling husband #1 and yelling at him for one thing or another(because it's always something with these men-am I right ladies?!?) so 3 minutes is a realistic amount of 2010 it was only 45 seconds...but in 2011, I am being a totally new and more understanding wife. Go me!

I resolve not to make fun of the scary people at THE GYM anymore..granted, my membership is up in three weeks(awwwwww) but if these people are comfortable with being hungry and cranky all of the time, who am I to judge. So, again, a totally realistic resolution.

I resolve to.....who really cares. Part of having narcissistic personality disorder is living in a delusional world where one thinks they are perfect. So, I am going to stay in that world..invite you to join me in it-that way, we can all be perfect together!

Sounds good to me...happy 2011 everyone...may all of your resolutions come to fruition...and may those of us over 40 remember to write the right year down when filling out paperwork....

Happy thursday

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