Friday, November 12, 2010

friday november 12, 2010

now that i am forty....

Going through my closet last night, i realized that are certain things that i will never be wearing again. things i have been holding on to, but the combination of not having any girls to hand down clothes to and not getting any younger or acquiring any less cellulite(bad visual, i know, i apologize) it was time to let some of these items go.

These items included shorts i wore in camp hillel in 1990, anything i wore at the concord hotel between the years of 1986-1989 (say goodbye to all of those RELAX sweatshirts and matching leggings....), anything that had an ESPRIT label(for those of you from my generation, you know how cool esprit used to be...)and any pair of pants that were white or i wore on a date with guys before i dated husband #1....

at the end of the evening, there was a huge pile of clothing, sprinkled with my tears. Mind you, while i was purging my closet, i had xm sattelite 80s music on, which made me cry even more. It was a sight..crying, dancing and putting stuff in the pile(quick run to the fridge for a swig of mikes hard lemonade) and was quite the night. But i accomplished a lot. The good news is, i also got rid of a lot of fat clothes, which will only be a problem if i get really fat again....but thats for another time. I also got rid of all maternity clothes...if i need those again, that would certainly be a problem....

So now my closet is filled with only sensible 40 year old clothing, i mean clothing appropriate for a 40 year old. I have no idea what that means, but there are only clothes from this century in my closet now.(now in my mothers house, i am sure i could still find my sweet 16 dress...bat mitzva dress..etc etc etc)I feel pretty good about that, and husband #1 feels even better because now the closet isn't such a disaster.

As for the week in review....the highlight was son #2 coming home from israel in 1 piece. His bar mitzva is in 8 weeks. Dress shopping was not the highlight, as you can well imagine because i HATE shopping, but, it was successful so i will not be wearing my rick springfield tshirt to synagogoue,,,even though son #2 knows how happy that would make me...

Happy Friday

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