Thursday, October 21, 2010

Almost Friday October 22,2010

All good things must come to an end..but not before......

My sister and I have been planning this trip for almost a year..well, she has been planning it and I have just been talking about it and talking about it and talking about it. And now, here we are, sitting at the airport waiting for our flight home. Because that is plan, you wait, you get there and then, just like that..its over. But, man o man, was it a great trip. Eventhough there are still things that I cannot cross off of my bucket list (because they are either illegal or immoral..or both) was an awesome trip. And my sister and I are still speaking....

But, I must tell you about today, since it is still today for four more minutes(but this also counts as Fridays blog) we were walking back from the bellagio where we saw an awesome art exhibit-Picasso, Lichtenstein, Renoir...just incredible..anyway, we noticed the sun was out so we were racing back to our hotel to get an hour of sun(keep in mind that the word "racing" is being used generously because at this point in our trip we were a bit slow from walking so feel free to substitute the words waddling quickly for racing) and who do I see?!? I see Hugh Grant...walking down the street with sunglasses, a hat, sneakers.....I tell my sister who I have just seen and she goes racing ( now I am using the word literally...she moved really fast...)after him to confirm my identification and to get an autograph and a picture. That was not to be because the rumors about mr. Grant are quite true..he is an a&$&@@....that's heard what I said. So now, my sister has a lovely photo of hugh grant giving her the finger....kindve made the whole trip worthwhile....

So as our trip comes to an end, and our luggage weighs twice as much as when we got here, yet, we didn't buy a thing.....we can always look back at this past week with big smiles and great memories...happy birthday to my sister....and 11 more days guessed it, I'm forty.....holy crap...

Happy Friday (because not it really is Friday...well, not in vegas...but that's ok...)

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