Wednesday, September 29, 2010

wednesday september 29, 2010

another "then and now" blog...

first things first...son #1 will be 14 on friday...i cannot even believe it, but what makes me happy is that, despite being 14 years older, 14 years ago i weighed close to 250 pounds- unfortunately, i kid you not...and as low as my self esteem is, i look pretty darn good now compared to 14 years ago...son #1 has only gained 67 pounds since he was that either means i deprive my child of proper nutrition or DAM does that kid have a great metabolism!!(something that he did not inherit from me...clearly...)

another friend deva and i used to spend many a single simchat torah together, and now, we are spending a married-with-children simchat torah together in beautiful chicago, illinois. and though i loved going to dayton, it makes me so happy to see her back in a community that has, well, kosher restaraunts.....(food-that is what is important because food is love.)

though our conversations will be much different now than they were when we were single...

"he is kind've cute..i wonder what he does for a living"

"do i really have to share a room with husband #1??"

"ok..lets walk 40 blocks to so and so's apartment so we can see who is there and then, we can cut through the park and see who is hanging out there...."

"please tell me we can be asleep before 9 tonight...."

"so i have an outfit for the morning which i will wear with the shoes with wedges and then i have that dress i can wear with the boots and then i brought....."

"is it ok if i wear the same thing to shul all three days?"

but it is all good, because we both look exactly the same to eachother (and probably our husbands) and all is right with the world.....

happy wednesday

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