Friday, July 2, 2010

friday juy 2 2010

and then what....

yesterday, my sister and i spent some time together. actually, we went out to dinner with my parents and then we went to a show...but, the meal turned in to a "who has more ailments" was actually kind of funny, and sad all at the same time....3 of us get leg cramps, but all in different parts of our legs...she can't feel part of her ankle...i think i have a neuroma in my foot....both of us tend to waddle like our mother....our mother has a spur in shoulder and can't turn her head.....but, thank god, none of these ailments are serious...but it was a far cry from when the biggest concern we had was me wanting to borrow her orange terry cloth shorts outfit(yes, it was really orange, yes, it was really terry cloth, no, it wasn't juicy in the late 70's..unless you are thinking of juicy fruit gum...) and she wouldn't let me wear it (surprise surprise...)

we left dinner and walked to the theatre...passing brookdale hall along the way. for those of you that don't know, brookdale hall is the original dorm building for stern college for women and others. it was my 3d for 3 years.....walking past it, i said to my sister that college was great, but you were always worried about the next stage...getting a graduate degree...getting married....getting something....did we ever take the time to enjoy where we were? to enjoy the little responsibility that we had? and now, i feel that the "next thing" is...what? dying? ari, my very wise husband, who is doing a fantastic job "wooing" me(get your minds out of the gutter....) told me that i shouldn't clump post graduate into 60 plus years of "waiting to die..." and he is right. (maybe he won't read today's blog and see that i said he was right....) though, it seems, that a lot of living we do, is through our kids....helping them succeed and reach the next levels in their lives, using our lives and examples of what they should or shouldn't do.....blah blah blah...i just want them to be happy and healthy and put their laundry in some form a receptacle and not on the floor or on the stairs or by the door.....

lets all enjoy our "post graduate" life....this weekend, ari and i are going hiking in bear mountain. no, that wasn't a anticipation of all the material i will have after this "hike"...i will not be blogging again until tues....unless, of course, we get eaten by a bear and then...well, that would suck for us...but anyway....have a great july 4th everyone...the summer of banji continues....see ya on tuesday....

happy friday

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